I studied the Creative and Media Diploma at Waddesdon. I now design merchandise for the worlds biggest Drum and Bass label.
What have you done since leaving Waddesdon?
When I left Waddesdon, I decided to study a Level 3 BTEC Art course called Urban Fusion. What drew me to that course in particular were the diverse and contemporary art topics in which you could explore in your own way. Some of the topics included: Street art, tattoo design, skateboard art, and band merchandising, amongst various other briefs and day tasks. Having the freedom to explore the subjects in my own way paved the first steps in developing the skills that I wanted to improve. After I finished college, I took a gap year as I personally wanted to take some time to consider if University was really for me, as it is a big commitment and not always required to get your foot in the door of a particular industry. In the gap year, I got my first fashion job as a Headwear Designer in Westcott, and worked there for about a year and a half. This job was followed by a position at a London based record label called Hospital Records, where I currently coordinate and design the merchandise.
Is there anything /one who has inspired your creative practice?
I try to surround myself with the most creative people I can, having a creative & inspiring circle can work wonders in conceptualising new ideas and pushing yourself out your comfort zone to teach yourself new things. I find inspiration in everything around me, from the tranquility of nature to the brutality of architecture, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. As for particular artists/brands that have inspired me: Dali, Bansky, Palace and Felipe Pantone are to name a few.
What has been your most profound success?
A most profound success of mine would be the first premium jacket/hat set I had conceptualised, designed and photographed. Although I received some resistance at first from directors, and it took a while to convince them, I persevered with the intention to bring my creation to life, and once we had finally confirmed and got around to selling, we had sold 50% of stock in 42 hours!
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Always be on the search for the passion that burns deep inside you, it may be easy to find, or it may take some journeys down other paths to find your true calling, sometimes this passion changes over time. The most important piece of advice that I can give is “Never give up”, and always believe in yourself! The road ahead may not always be the easiest one, but have faith in yourself and in the work you do, the hard work pays off!